Our open innovation program supports the different business units of Zelnova Zeltia. We seek solutions in collaboration with the ecosystem: startups, entrepreneurs, partners, universities, technology centers … Our goal is to find, co-create, accelerate and launch the best innovations for our strategic product lines, technology, marketing, management. and sustainability.



  • Update the experience of using the mass consumer chemistry by, for example:
    • Improving the shelf life of scents, insecticides, etc.
    • Product customization at different levels: aromas, allergens, etc.
    • The use of new electronic dispenser control mechanisms, either by the consumer or in response to environmental parameters, for different purposes: activation, product dose modulation, termination alerts , etc.
    • The integration of products in the home, both from an aesthetic and functional point of view (integration in domestic equipment: ventilation systems, home automation, etc.
  • Identify new chemical compounds with sanitizing / disinfectant characteristics , for example:
    • Biocides and pesticides
    • Natural compounds
  • Have a greater capacity to monitor indoor air quality (IAQ) and its interaction with our products using, for example:
    • Monitoring systems for volatile organic compounds, particles, etc.
  • Expand the usage scenarios of our products to, for example:
    • New disinfection applications: medical devices, food, etc.
    • New spaces for setting / disinfection / cleaning: vehicles, etc.
    • New supports: decorative elements, etc.
    • New chemical delivery systems: wearables, filters, etc.
  • Nuevos sistemas de dosificación de químicos (chemical delivery systems): wearables, filtros, etc.
  • Explore new disinfection technologies such as:
    • Ozone, ultrasound, hydroxyl radicals, etc.

    • Improve consumer and channel awareness in order to, for example:
      • Understand and characterize patterns of use of products
      • Predict stockouts
    • Reactivate the points of sale by, for example:
      • New PoS communication supports
    • Develop new business and marketing models such as:
      • Direct2Consumer
      • Electronic commerce
      • Premium / freemium models
      • Subscription models, etc.


    • In general, the novel incorporation of technologies in the field of retail of consumer products such as:
      • IoT and sensoric
      • Big Data
      • Additive Manufacturing


    • Reduce environmental impact through, for example:
      • The reduction, recycling or reuse of plastics and packaging, in general
      • Compaction of chemicals (cartridges)
      • Reducing the weight of aerosols, whether they are containers or gases


    • Improve the management of particularly heavy business support processes such as:
      • The (re) design of packagings
      • Relationship with regulatory agencies


    • Open category for startups that have an innovative project that can generate a real impact on Zelnova Zeltia’s business and that cannot be classified in any of the previous categories.

    Strategic partner
